Entrapment of the unsound mind​
Shamanism has been an option for majority Malay community to treat the unsound mind. This traditional method of ‘Medicine’ is much preferred rather than the modern Medicine. The unsound mind are often criticised and isolated in the eye of the public. They are incapable of controlling themselves and are vulnerable to the constant prejudice resulting in a deeper deterioration of their illness. To what end can the relationship between the sound and unsound minds arrive at a coherent visual understanding?
Entrapment of the unsound mind is an exploration, inquiry, and experimentation of the possibility to step beyond the threshold of the unsound mind. Based on a real life account from a schizophrenic patient, this project aims to explore and attempt the possibilities of recreating the illusion that is present in an alternative vision.
The motivation behind this project started with a growing desire to understand what it means to view physically what the unsound mind projects. To bridge the possibility of the conscious and the unconscious, while blurring the line between the real and the surreal.
Please visit this link for video documentation.
Art Direction | Interaction Designer
Kinect, Projection Mapping
Exhibited at ADM Grad show 2013
Si Zhou, Simon